Rublev Rinpoche. The Inner Icon

Sándor Halmosi’s most recent volumes of poetry have refined the apocalypse aesthetic with memories of the golden ages. Where could any road lead us from here, what kind of space can open up before words when not only everything but also the universe has already been said. A silent answer has been born to our wordless questions; the poet’s workshop has produced a synthesis of materials: Rublev Rinpoche (The Inner Icon) – that ‘Galvanized light against insanity’ (’Abrasions’) – concentrates the layeredness of poetry’s formal expression, offering even more potent instances of spiritual contemplation at the same time. This collection is a network of aphoristic turns of phrase, neo-avant-garde image-groupings and more colloquial, narrative-ruminatory long poems and poems of medium length. It’s as if the chief musician in charge of singing celestial loves was battling with an acoustic lined with mud and bolted-together rusty panels: the regulation of clear-sightedness is working itself out in a language of exalted humility, almost in the guise of poetry. A prophetic order of voice emerges from a confession of self-knowledge; syntax aiming for angels also categorises earthly lights; the mytho-poetic gestures of this poetic style reach across cultures and comb the points of the compass into one. For the story of salvation is continuous.

Tamás Halmai


SÁNDOR HALMOSI (1971) is a Hungarian poet, literary translator, editor and mathematician. Born in Szatmárnémeti (Satu Mare, Romania), he lived in Germany for 16 years before moving to Budapest in 2006. He is dedicated to promoting poetry and cultural dialogue as well as to fostering connections between literature and the fine arts. Halmosi has founded many literary and cultural associations and has organised workshops and literary salons. He is a member of the Hungarian PEN Club (Budapest) and of the European Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters (EASAL, Paris). He is a founding member of the international poetry network, Poets of the Planet (POP), which was established in 2023. In February 2020, he published a literary manifesto with the title Ora et labora: A Cry For Pure Literature, in which he attempted to shine a light on the spiritual crisis the world is going through. He has published roughly 40 poetry collections in Hungarian and other languages.


Sándor Halmosi's Hungarian-language poetry collections:

Showing off with the Demons, 2001

You were a Sun Girl, 2002

Laurel Grove, 2003

It belongs to Solomon, 2004

On the Southern Slopes of Annapurna, 2006

Gilead, 2009

Ibrahim, 2011

The Passion of Lao-Tze, 2018

Apocrypha, 2020

Meltdown, 2021

Cathari, 2022

Tatra and heat pump, 2023

Rublev Rinpoche, 2024

Halmosi Sándor
Bentley Anna
Megjelenés dátuma:
104 oldal, kartonált, 132 x 200 mm
978 963 556 551 1
3.200 Ft 2.240 Ft
4-5 munkanap
Kártyás fizetés szolgáltatója: Barion