
I love poetry that is sobering. It is the diametric opposite of romantic poetry, which hums and drones and does its best to dazzle us with the radiant beauty of the world. I want my poet to be feeling around for the places light has abandoned, and he ought to be like a sharp slap on the cheek on a stuffy afternoon. He should be permeated by the human pain that lies at the bottom of clear-sightedness but the same way we are amused after a poor joke. To quote Attila József, “[he] looks about him thoughtfully, nods/ his wise head, but does not hope.” He maps out the aesthetics of corruption around him because that is human, too. All too human. Sándor Halmosi’s carefully constructed poetry draws on many different cultures for inspiration, yet it is exquisite, and encircles us with its own slow, but stubborn strength. It laps at a shore we might one day be able to sail to.

Sándor Zsigmond Papp


SÁNDOR HALMOSI (1971) is a Hungarian poet, literary translator, editor and mathematician. He lived in Germany for 16 years, since 2006 he has been living in Budapest. He attaches importance to promoting poetry and cultural dialogue, as well as the interconnection of literature and fine arts. Halmosi is the founder of many literary and cultural associations, organizer of workshops and salons, member of the Hungarian PEN Club (Budapest) and of the European Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters (EASAL, Paris), founding member of Poets of the Planet international poetry network (POP) established in 2023. He published a literary manifesto in February 2020, with the title Ora et labora. Crying-out for Pure Literature, an attempt to shine a light on the spiritual crisis of the world. He published about 40 volumes in Hungarian and other languages. Cathari is the last part of the apocryphal trilogy Apocrypha-Meltdown-Cathari.


His volumes in Hungarian:

Showing off with the Demons, 2001

You were a Sun Girl, 2002

Laurel Grove, 2003

It belongs to Solomon, 2004

On the Southern Slopes of Annapurna, 2006

Gilead, 2009

Ibrahim, 2011

The Passion of Lao-Tze, 2018

Apocrypha, 2020

Meltdown, 2021

Cathari, 2022

Tatra and heat pump, 2023

Halmosi Sándor
Bentley Anna
Megjelenés dátuma:
84 oldal, kartonált, 132 x 200 mm
978 963 556 502 3
3.250 Ft 2.275 Ft
4-5 munkanap
Kártyás fizetés szolgáltatója: Barion