Magyar Filozófiai Szemle 2017/2.
Philosophy and Science:
Unity and Plurality in the
Early Modern Age
In the Principia philosophiae, Descartes uses the metaphor ‘tree’ in order to illustrate the
unity of different fields of science. The whole tree represents the totality of philosophy.
The image indicates that in early modern thinking philosophy and science covered the
same areas of human knowledge. However, Cartesian thinking laid the grounds for the
diversification of sciences, which resulted in the separation between hard sciences and
philosophy some centuries later; while at the beginning of Modernity philosophy and science
were synonymous, in the Early Modern Age we can observe their separation and the
proliferation of different philosophical disciplines. The papers collected in this volume
have two objectives: on the one hand, to present how early modern thinking made an effort
to conceptualize science and philosophy together, and on the other hand, to analyse
some stages of their separation.
- Megjelenés dátuma:
- 2017
- Információk:
- Negyedévente megjelenő filozófiai folyóirat
- ISSN 0025 0090